PT-Software Seminar Outline
The full day seminar is aimed at design engineers and anyone with technical background who needs to design and detail Post-Tensioned Structures quickly and easily.
The course is broken up into specific sections, addressing various areas of Prestress Concrete detailing and design
The morning session covers the transfer of information from Design to Shop Drawings. The programs used to demonstrate the process are:
All the programs have evolved and developed in the PT design office. They are based upon his many years of experience and the need to make the design of PT structures as simple as possible.
The course is broken up into specific sections, addressing various areas of Prestress Concrete detailing and design
The morning session covers the transfer of information from Design to Shop Drawings. The programs used to demonstrate the process are:
- Profiler: A program that works with Autocad, to draw on the active drawing, the PT Hardware (Tendons, Anchors Etc) and profile (chair up) the Tendons.
- X10tions: A program that works within AutoCAD or as a Standalone to calculate the theoretical elongation of Tendons No more scale rulers, user just clicks at the tendon spans, on the drawing, and the program does the rest. he program generates Summary or Detailed Reports, for submission. It also tabulates the elongations on the drawing
- QX10tion: A program that combines the X10tions program, together with a quantities module to also evaluate, all the PT hardware quantities(including chairs,grout etc).The program generates a Quantities Reports and user can also tabulates Quantities on the drawing. The program works within AutoCAD or as a Standalone
- Efng: A program for the preliminary design and quantities of Post-Tensioned Floors, all in accordance to AS3600. The program design and reports simultaneously all the concrete depths, PT and Reinforced quantities for the three structural option, Flat Plate, Flat Slab and Band-Slab. The results are compared with results obtained from Rapt, (Analysis and Design Software by PCDC. The program also contains a Database, facility allowing user to save, search projects
- PTsog: A standalone program for the design of Post-Tension (and Reinforced) Slabs-On Grade (SOG). The program is used to design Warehouse Slabs, Industrial, Container and Airport Pavements. The SOG can be up to 60m x 60m in area, joint free. The program also, performs a detailed Dowel Design, Punching Shear check and Edge Reinforcement detail
- PTtank: A standalone program for the analysis and design of Post-Tension circular retaining structure (Tanks). The program analyses and designs all the Tank Elements, which include, Waal, Ring Footing Beam and Tank Slab The seminar, by use of examples covers all the steps in the design and analysis process, which include: - The theory and mathematical model - The selection of Tank Types (and when they should be used) Precast or insitu - Wall boundary conditions (Free, Pined, Fixed, or Rubber) - Wall Anchor Types (and when they should be used) Buttress or Z-Type (Pocket) - All load cases including: Temperature, Shrinkage and Swelling, Earth (for embedded Tanks) and Earthquake
All the programs have evolved and developed in the PT design office. They are based upon his many years of experience and the need to make the design of PT structures as simple as possible.
For full seminar and registration detail contact/visit
Phone: +61 2 9899 7447 Fax: +61 2 9899 5995 Email: [email protected] Website: |